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  • lcoventry9

Working with others

Updated: May 27, 2022

I've spent a lot of time this semester sitting in the studio. Most times it's fairly empty, with usually a couple others appearing slightly later on and sitting well into the evening. I find it really helpful just to be able to call someone over (usually Lipin!) and ask what he thinks of whatever I'm working on. Getting that instant feedback is amazing, and being able to see what other people are working on and give advice on things like retopology or character design has really helped me with communicating feedback to others as well. I feel that in undergrad I really struggled with asking others for help, and this class as a whole is great because people will just ask each other for feedback or how they did something all the time, I feel a lot better about just asking someone something now.

The other person I've communicated a lot with this semester outside of group project work is Kelly. We have spent the semester messaging away at each other about whatever it is we're currently working on, and give feedback as we go. I feel like I wouldn't have progressed as much as I have in 3D without having someone to fire a quick question to who's got more years in the software. But now I've learnt so much of Arnold, I get asked questions too!

Of course, not all problems are this straightforward in 3D.

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